If you would like to report a scammer to the Scammer List database publicly, you can proceed with the form below:
To view the spreadsheet list of player-reported scammers, you can start by checking the link listed below:
Here's a brief look at what the Scammer List spreadsheet looks like, but we recommend you open it in a separate browser window.
Follow the provided instructions in order to report a player to the JailbreakTrading.net Scammer List. You will be required to fill out a Google Form in order for your report to be recorded on the public spreadsheet, however, this form is completely anonymous and only the information you provide is added onto the spreadsheet. Please go through each step carefully so you understand what to do for each question asked.
1. Access the Google Form:
Click on the provided link above or HERE to open the Scammer List Google Form.
2. Complete the Form:
The form is entirely anonymous, and only the information you provide will be added to the list.
Please answer the following four questions as thoroughly and completely as possible:
Form Question #1: Was the trade with the other player a cross-trade?
Cross-trading involves exchanging items outside of the game.
You can answer whether the trade you engaged in was a cross-trade or not.
This question provides context regarding whether the trade involved items outside the game.
Form Question #2: What is the Roblox or Discord account username of the scammer?
IMPORTANT: Please provide the user's Roblox/Discord username, not their display name.
You can also specify the platform associated with the name, such as Roblox or Discord.
For instance, the Roblox username for the scammer might be DishonestPlayer12.
Form Question #3: What is the Roblox or Discord User ID for the scammer's account?
User IDs are permanently assigned to the account and can aid in identifying the scammer's accounts.
For instance, the scammer's Roblox account ID might be 123456789, and their Discord ID could be 123456789.
While answering this question is optional if unsure, we highly recommend reporting the User ID of the scammer.
How to find the User ID for a scammer's account on DISCORD:
Click on the Gear icon in the bottom left corner to open your User Settings.
Go to the Advanced tab, located toward the end of Discord's settings.
Inside the Advanced settings tab, you will be able to enable Developer Mode.
Now, go back to any channel and right-click on the scammer's username.
You'll see a "Copy ID" option. Click it to copy the scammer's User ID.
How to find the User ID for a scammer's account on ROBLOX:
Open the FULL Roblox website in a web browser, not the mobile app.
Make sure that you navigate to the profile of the scammer's Roblox account.
Look at the URL bar in your browser while in the scammer's profile.
The string of numbers between "/users/" and "/profile/" is the Roblox User ID.
For example, Roblox's profile user ID would be "1": https://www.roblox.com/users/1/profile
You can copy it directly from the URL or choose "Copy Link Address" to copy the entire user's URL.
Form Question #4: Please provide context regarding the trade and what occurred.
What was the specific trade agreement? Which items were involved in the trade?
Were there any alterations or unexpected changes during the trade that caused the scam?
The more details provided here, the better others can understand how exactly the scam occurred.
We recommend providing at least 2-3 sentences describing the scam for other players to recognize similar scams.
3. Submit the Form:
After answering the questions, submit the form.
Double-check the spelling of provided account names.
Make sure you are satisfied with the entered information.
You are NOT able to change any information after submitting.
4. Confirmation Screen:
Upon submission, you'll receive a confirmation screen indicating that the data was successfully submitted.
It should be similar to: "Your response has been recorded in the JailbreakTrading.net Scammer List Spreadsheet."
If you only wanted to report a scammer, you are done! You can now check the spreadsheet to view your submission.
On the Reported Scammers Spreadsheet, you can use CTRL + F or your browser's search shortcut to find names more easily.
Business Email: contact@JailbreakTradingNetwork.com
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